Easily Create, Send, and Track Your Email Messages with iContact!

Trusted by Small Businesses and Fortune 500 Companies, to Help You Stay Connected With Your Customers

iContact was created to make email marketing easy. You now have the power to create permission-based email newsletters, surveys, and autoresponders with 98-99% deliverability.

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Why You Should Choose iContact

iContact has whitelist agreements with major ISPs so our clients can enjoy industry-leading deliverability. A third-party company, Pivotal Veracity, scores our email deliverability rates between 98%-99%.

Track the performance of your email blasts at a glance with our charts and graphs that are populated in real time.

Use one of our 250 professionally designed email newsletter templates or one of your own for beautiful permission-based email marketing campaigns.
Easily set up, organize, and leverage your mailing list to boost your email marketing into overdrive!

iContact combines sophisticated features such as surveys, autoresponders, and RSS feeds into one easy-to-use all-inclusive product.

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