Getting and Keeping Customers: Search and E-Mail Tactics
Getting and Keeping Customers: Search and E-Mail Tactics
The recession is forcing marketers to sharpen their focus on tactics that are cost-effective and contribute to the bottom line. This means the Internet is getting more attention, since ROI is usually more measurable online than in traditional media.
The Getting and Keeping Customers report analyzes the tactics marketers are turning to under recessionary pressures to acquire and retain customers.
In the Internet space, many marketers are looking to search and e-mail to get results.
Search works well for customer acquisition because ads and organic listings appear in front of potential customers at the very moment they express interest in particular offerings.
E-mail works well for retention because it offers marketers a channel to communicate regularly with their customers. While most customers welcome marketing messages only after they have given permission, the act of agreeing to receive such e-mails also indicates they are potentially valuable customers.
The simplicity and readily controlled costs of search and e-mail are attracting more and more companies concerned about business lost due to the economy.
Key questions the “Getting and Keeping Customers†report answers:
What is the link between ROI and getting or keeping customers?
Why is search the best tool for customer acquisition?
Why is e-mail so effective for customer retention?
Why does the economy put extra emphasis on getting new customers?
Why should marketers avoid using e-mail for customer acquisition?
And many others…
eMarketer Reports—On Target and Up to Date
The Getting and Keeping Customers report aggregates the latest data from marketing and communications researchers with eMarketer analysis to provide the information you need to make on-time, on-target business decisions.
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