The $495 URLwire service includes
I'll personally send your site announcement to my private URLwire member/contacts that best match your site's subject. Among my private URLwire member/contacts are the most trusted site reviewers of all: web guide and best picks editors at hundreds of library based web sites. Also among my subscribers are newsletter editors, announcement list moderators, online writers, bloggers, reporters, etc., from around the world, all of whom have requested URLwire. Once I cull down my contact list for your site, I typically have somewhere between 300-400 key people I can privately announce your site to.
After sending your site announcement to my private contacts via email, I then create a permanent and unique announcement page on the public URLwire web site, like this. This page lives forever. Here's an example from way back in 1997, when the now famous wedding site TheKnot.com was first announced.
Posting a direct link to your site from the URLwire headlines page, along with a summary and link to your permanent URLwire announcement page.
Also posting a direct link to your site from the URLwire homepage, along with the summary and link to your permanent announcement page.
I post a summary of your announcement on the URLwire Blog and Google Groups and MSN LiveSpace. Each of these will also include a direct link to your site.
URLwire RSS Feed - I post a summary with a link to the full site announcement.
Tweet your URL via Twitter
Upon completion of the announcement process I send you an email confirmation and summary.
Lastly, remember if I have not yet confirmed with you that I will announce your site, and after seeing the site I decide I will NOT announce it, I will refund your entire payment immediately. If you are unsure whether your site is a good fit for URLwire, or if you have questions about how URLwire works, send a brief email with your URL to eric@urlwire.com, or use the contact form over at the EricWard.com site to reach me.
If you have any further questions about how URLwire works, send them via email to eric@urlwire.com
URLwire.com / EricWard.com / Knoxville, Tennessee - Seagrove Beach Florida USA / Email - Voice: 865 637 2438 by appt.