Video Advertising Growth Factors
Video Advertising Growth Factors

As people spend more time watching online video content, the share of Internet users viewing video advertising will also grow, reaching four out of five users in 2012.
The Video Advertising Growth Factors report analyzes the forces that are driving marketers toward this nexus between television and the Internet.

With 67% of all Internet users viewing some form of video advertising (in-stream, in-banner or in-text) at least once a month in 2008, the audience has reached critical mass.

Obviously, an audience is the essential element necessary to develop a viable video advertising market. But another key factor will be an increase in the amount of trusted, professional-quality video content, which will both attract a broad base of brand marketers and give them the mass reach they seek.

Even so, media companies’ fear of cannibalizing their legacy business model will slow placement of their video assets online.

Key questions the “Video Advertising Growth Factors” report answers:

How fast will online video advertising grow?
What factors will slow growth?
What effect will the quality of video content have on advertising?
What categories will lead the way in video advertising?
What are consumer attitudes toward ads in videos?
What role will social networking play in video advertising?
And many others…
eMarketer Reports—On Target and Up to Date

The Video Advertising Growth Factors report aggregates the latest data from marketing and communications researchers with eMarketer analysis to provide the information you need to make smart, timely business decisions.

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