Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Winning Friends and Influencing Customers
Word-of-Mouth Marketing:
Winning Friends and Influencing Customers

More and more, consumers are relying on advice from friends, family and even strangers to make purchase decisions, select physicians, choose travel destinations and pick politicians to vote for. Already, 64 million US adults regularly share advice on products or services, and over 25 million of them wield their influence online.
The Word-of-Mouth Marketing report explores the not-so-new but increasingly important phenomenon of consumer recommendations—and warnings.

Today, consumers have more ways to wield their influence and opinion than ever before, but word-of-mouth is a double-edged sword for marketers.

Unfortunately, the more companies try to control or direct word-of-mouth, the greater their risk of failure.

Key questions the Word-of-Mouth Marketing report answers:

What role does word-of-mouth play in consumers' decision-making process?
Who are the "influencers" and why are their numbers growing?
In what contexts does word-of-mouth happen?
How are marketers using and measuring online and offline word-of-mouth?
And many others…
eMarketer Reports—On-Target and Up-to-Date

The Word-of-Mouth Marketing report aggregates the latest data from marketing and communications researchers with eMarketer numbers, projections and analysis to provide the information you need to make the right business decisions —right now.

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