eMarketer is "The First Place to Look" for market research and trend analysis on Internet, e-business, online marketing, media and emerging technologies. eMarketer aggregates and analyzes information from over 3,000 sources, and brings it together in analyst reports, daily research articles and the most comprehensive database of e-business and online marketing statistics in the world.

With eMarketer, you understand the growth and impact of the Internet. Plus, you stay ahead of the curve on new trends such as blogs, social networking, podcasting, mobile marketing, and many others that are profoundly affecting the business landscape.

eMarketer's Core Expertise
eMarketer's core expertise lies in researching and sorting vast amounts of publicly available information, and objectively compiling and analyzing this information into widely read reports, articles and newsletters. Our information products help business executives worldwide make smarter, faster decisions about online marketing, emerging technologies and e-business.

Dedicated Team
Our team of researchers and analysts comb through web sites, data repositories and government statistics, uniquely providing a 360-degree overview of available data, combined with original analysis that is quickly accessible, comprehensive, objective, actionable, cost-effective and, most of all, intelligent.

A Trusted Resource
eMarketer serves as a trusted, third-party resource, cutting through the clutter and hype – helping businesses make sense of the e-business numbers and trends. eMarketer's products and services help companies make better, more informed business decisions by:
Streamlining e-business research sources and reducing costs
Eliminating critical data gaps
Providing an objective, bird’s eye view of the entire e-business landscape
Better deploying and sharing information across the company
Building solid business cases backed up by hard data
Reducing business risk
Saving valuable time

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